Comparison of Methods

DHI, FUE and FUT Method – how do they differ from each other?

If you are considering a hair transplant, then you will come across different methods in your research to select the provider and choose a clinic. Basically, all of these offer the transplantation of hair loss-resistant follicles from the back of the head (donor zone) to thinning or balding parts of the body (“recipient zone”).

Nevertheless, there are considerable differences between the various techniques, which we will describe to you in more detail here: In addition to the DHI method (Direct Hair Implantation), the FUT method (Follicular Unit Transplant) and FUE method (Follicular Unit Extraction) in particular are offered today.

Treatment team


1 doctor (supported by 1 assistant). Only a doctor works on the patient.


1 doctor & several assistants working on the patient at the same time


1 doctor & several assistants working on the patient at the same time
Method - Withdrawal


Follicles are removed one at a time using an electric punch.


Follicles are removed one at a time using an electric puncher


A strip is cut from the back of the head, its hair taken; the scalp sewn up; a scar remains.
Method – Insertion


With "DHI Implanter" each follicle is precisely implanted in a single step. No channel opening! Very suitable for hair densification


2 steps - opening the canal with a scalpel, then inserting the follicles with tweezer.


2 steps - opening the canal with a scalpel, then inserting the follicles with tweezer


Specially formulated fluid for improved follicle survival


Special liquid for better follicle survival


Special fluid for better follicle survival rate
Handling follicles


Careful, gentle, one-step insertion of the follicles that are never cut.


2-stage insertion of the follicle (scalpel & tweezers). Follicular units are often separated.


2-stage insertion of the follicle (scalpel and tweezers). Often follicular units are separated.
Scalpel on removal






Scalpel/scalpel-like instrument on insertion


No - instead DHI Implanter






Small amount


Small amount


Middle (longer period of wound healing)






Scars donor area


Not visible


Not visible


Scar along the strip
Scars recipient area


Small crusts for max 10 days; no visible scars


Small crusts for 10 days, no visible scars


Small crusts for 10 days, no visible scars


Usually very fast


Usually very fast


Will take longer: in the donor zone the stitched strip needs to heal
Naturalness of the results


Depending on the doctor's ability to control the direction, angle and depth with the DHI Implanter.


Depending on the skill of the team (doctor and assistants) to control direction, angle and depth with scalpel & tweezers.


Depending on the skill of the team (doctor and assistants) to control direction, angle and depth with scalpel & tweezers.
Return to work


Depending on occupation, simple office work possible after 1 day


Depending on occupation, simple office work possible after 1 day


Depends on occupation, but slightly longer reconvalescence due to strip method
Survival rate of the follicles






Duration (with approx. 4000 hairs)


Approximately 6 hours (takes a bit longer due to 1 doctor only working on patient's head)


About 4 hours


About 3 hours




Detailed overvew of the Phases

In each of the different hair transplant techniques described here, healthy hair follicles are taken from a balding-resistant area and implanted in the recipient’s thinning or balding area.

Basically, they all follow the same process: it begins with the removal from the donor area (extraction), followed by a phase of storage (and partly processing), and ends with the placement of the hair in the recipient area (implantation). 

Nevertheless, there are important differences between the methods in all phases:

1. Extraction

During the extraction (or harvest) phase, there is the option of a quick but invasive strip harvest (FUT) or a slower but gentler single harvest (FUE, which is also used in the DHI method).


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FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant) is a traditional technique in which a strip of scalp approximately 10cm long and 3cm wide is removed from the back of the head and this hole is then sewn shut.

The removed hair follicles are then divided into individual units under the microscope. The extraction phase is quick but leaves a significant scar, which is particularly visible on short hair. If there is a susceptibility to keloid scarring, this can also become very noticeable.


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FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) is a newer and much gentler technique that uses a special puncher  to make a small circular incision in the skin around one or more hair follicles. The follicles are removed from the scalp, leaving a tiny, open hole. The process is repeated until the doctor has enough follicles to cover the recipient area with the planned number of hairs.

The holes heal to small white scars throughout the donor area and, depending on the skill of the surgeon, may disappear entirely. In any case, the healing is faster than with the FUT method, in which the strip scar never disappears.

There are also differences in this extraction method, depending on which devices are used for it. There are differences, for example, in the diameter of the punch. For even more precision and to reduce the duration of this extraction procedure (by about 30%), many clinics now use an electric punch.


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The DHI method also uses the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method of extraction – in this respect, these two methods (FUE and DHI) only differ in the implantation.

This method is a much gentler technique than FUT. The removal takes place “hair by hair” directly from the donor area with the help of a specially developed punching device (also called “puncher”). After the hair follicle has been detached from the scalp by the punch, the DHI doctor picks up the follicle with tweezers and hands it over for short storage.

For even more precision and gentleness, all DHI doctors use ultra-thin needles and an electric punch, which reduces the duration of this extraction procedure by approx. 30%. We can explain in more detail if you make an appointment for a free consultation with us.

Step 2: Storage & processing of the follicles

As soon as the collection has started, the removed follicles are carefully stored with all the various methods. Most providers use special nutrient solutions, which increase the survival rate of the follicles after implantation.

However, there are differences between the different methods when it comes to the processing of the hair: While the FUT and FUE methods partially divide up existing follicular units (i.e. groups of follicles with e.g. 2, 3 or 4 hairs), with the DHI method hairs are always implanted  in the same way in which they were removed. This again increases the survival rate of the follicles. (This is also the reason why with DHI the transplantation is always measured by the number of “hairs” and not by “follicles”. Due to the splitting of follicles after collection, more follicles are transplanted, but not more hair) .

Step 3: Implantation

Hair can be implanted in different areas of the head and face. It is easier to insert into a bare recipient area, but with skill and the right technique, sparse patches can also be densified next to existing hair.

Crucial differences arise from the instruments used.


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During the implantation phase, the FUT and FUE treatments use the same traditional technique: In a first step, channels are opened or receiving holes (slits) are made in the recipient area with a scalpel or instrument similar to a scalpel. In a separate step, the hair follicles are then inserted with tweezers. The insertion of the hair is often not carried out by a doctor, but by the assistants.


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The DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) method uses a one-step technique without a scalpel: With the help of the “DHI Implanter”, the doctor creates a small opening in a single step and then gently inserts the hair follicle into the scalp at the same time.

In DHI hair transplantation, the hair follicles are placed at the tip of the implantation pen and transplanted directly into the skin. The tip of the pen penetrates the skin and the doctor pushes out the root of the hair.

This one-step process helps reduce blood, scabs, bruising and edema. Also, it is easy to achieve a great natural look with this method.

Get in touch with us and we will explain you the details about this method well.

The benefits of the DHI Implanter

The one-step procedure of the DHI implanter is very gentle - the (often sensitive) scalp is only touched once per follicle and the method is also minimally invasive.
Each follicle is inserted exactly as it was removed, resulting in an optimal growth rate: Follicles with e.g. 2 or 3 hairs also remain that way after the transplantation. With scalpels, the follicles are often cut apart after removal and inserted as 1 hair follicles.
The treating doctor can use the implanter to easily control the depth, angle and direction of the hair, thus achieving a more natural result.
By using the implanter scalpel, healing is very fast and recovery time short

Welche Methode und welche Instrumente werden verwendet?

Neben der Erfahrung des Ärzteteams sind vor allem die Methode, die verwendeten Instrumente und die standardisierten Prozesse zur Gewährleistung der Sicherheit und der Qualität für den Erfolg einer Haartransplantation entscheidend.

DHI ist die weltweit führende Methode

DHI ist seit mehr als 50 Jahren führend bei Eigenhaartransplantationen, und die jetzt verwendete DHI Methode ist seit 15 Jahren im Einsatz
Der DHI Implanter (statt Skalpell und Pinzette) gibt dem Arzt oder der Ärztin optimale Kontrolle über Winkel und Tiefe jedes implantierten Haares
Ein minutiös festgesetzter Ablauf mit standardisierten Prozessen regelt jeden Schritt des Eingriffes.
Es werden strengste hygienische Standards weltweit vorgegeben und deren Einhaltung durch die DHI Gruppe kontrolliert

Wer führt die Implantation durch?

Es muss dem Gesetz nach zwar immer ein Arzt involviert sein. Aber das bedeutet nicht, dass in allen Kliniken und bei allen Methoden der behandelnde Arzt den Eingriff auch durchgehend ausführt, tatsächlich eine hochwertige Ausbildung vorzuweisen hat bzw. genügend Erfahrung mitbringt.

DHI – Eingriff nur durch hochspezialisierte Ärzte

Ein Arzt alleine (nicht mehrere Personen, oftmals Assistenten) führt den gesamten Eingriff durch. Arzt bzw. Ärztin ist von A-Z verantwortlich.
Alle DHI Ärzte haben dieselbe rigorose Ausblidung erhalten sowie jahrelange Erfahrungen im Bereich der Haartransplantation
Jeder Arzt und jede Ärztin ist durch die weltweit einzigartige DHI Acedemy of London zertifiziert

In der Türkei oder doch besser in Wien?

Die zahlreichen auf Haartransplantationen spezialisierten Kliniken im Ausland, vor allem in der Türkei,  unterscheiden sich in vieler Hinsicht von renommierten österreichischen Instituten, wie z.B. DHI Wien

DHI Wien – Sicherheit eines in Wien ansässigen Qualitätsanbieters

24/7 Persönliche Vor-Ort Betreuung durch das DHI Team vor und vor allem nach dem Eingriff
Univ. Prof. Turkof als medizinischer Direktor von DHI Wien und Leiter des auf ästhetische Behandlungen spezialisierten Ärztezentrums "Centrum Ästheticum"
DHI Wien garantiert höchste Hygienestandards und strikte Einhaltung von genau definierten Abläufen während des Eingriffes